Construction of a dynamics simulation system for net cleaning robot based on Gazebo
XING Wang, HUANG Xiaohua, LI Gen, PANG Guoliang, YUAN Taiping
2024, 20(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.12131/20230189
Abstract PDF
Structural design and research of underwater robot for aquaculture ship operation
ZHANG Jiaqi, XIE Yonghe, LI Detang, GAO Weipeng, CHEN Qing, WANG Jun, WANG Yunjie, HONG Yongqiang
2024, 20(1): 11-24. DOI: 10.12131/20230192
Abstract PDF
Design and experimental research on key components of net cleaning equipment for deep-water cage
YUAN Taiping, LIAO Yuqi, HUANG Xiaohua, HU Yu, TAO Qiyou, LI Gen, PANG Guoliang
2024, 20(1): 25-33. DOI: 10.12131/20230214
Abstract PDF
Influence of net on structural response of jack-up truss net cage
CHEN Yuanshuai, PANG Guoliang, HUANG Xiaohua, LI Gen, YUAN Taiping, HU Yu, TAO Qiyou
2024, 20(1): 43-53. DOI: 10.12131/20230213
Abstract PDF
Design and force calculation of a new type of composite anti-wind and wave aquaculture net cage in marine environment
SHI Quan, GONG Yaping, SUN Feng, WANG Shuaijun, ZHANG Yanxin, WU Shu, ZHANG Di, CHEN Hui
2024, 20(1): 54-61. DOI: 10.12131/20230209
Abstract PDF
Research on water quality dissolved oxygen prediction method based on ESSA-LSTM for aquaculture ships
HONG Yongqiang,  XIE Yonghe,  LIU Luqiang,  DONG Shaoguang,  LI Detang,  WANG Yunjie,  JIANG Xuyang,  ZHANG Jiaqi,  WANG Jun,  GAO Weipeng,  CHEN Qing
2024, 20(1): 62-73. DOI: 10.12131/20230185
Abstract PDF
Optimization of high-pressure speece cone selection and accessories development of aquaculture ships
WANG Jun, XIE Yonghe, LI Detang, GAO Weipeng, CHEN Qing, ZHANG Jiaqi, WANG Yunjie, HONG Yongqiang
2024, 20(1): 74-80. DOI: 10.12131/20230140
Abstract PDF
Research on nighttime intelligent monitoring method for deep-sea cage fish school based on water surface infrared images
YAO Zidan, HUANG Xiaohua, LI Gen, HU Yu, PANG Guoliang, YUAN Taiping
2024, 20(1): 81-88. DOI: 10.12131/20230208
Abstract PDF
Multi-group convolutional neural network for gender recognition of Portunus tritubereulatus
WEI Tianqi, ZHENG Xiongsheng, LI Tianbing, WANG Richeng
2024, 20(1): 89-98. DOI: 10.12131/20230107
Abstract PDF
Research on fish recognition based on multi-stage feature extraction learning
LYU Junlin, CHEN Zuozhi, LI Bilong, CAI Runji, GAO Yuefang
2024, 20(1): 99-109. DOI: 10.12131/20230197
Abstract PDF
Hydroacoustic estimates of fish abundance and behavior characteristics in Yangzonghai Lake
ZHANG Liyuan, YANG Jianhong, XIONG Qinghai, TIAN Min, WANG Hui, QU Pin, JIANG Rongming, KOU Chunni, WU Zhi
2024, 20(1): 110-119. DOI: 10.12131/20230082
Abstract PDF
Preliminary investigation of fish diversity in middle and lower reaches of Pearl River based on environmental DNA technology
ZHU Shuli, CHEN Weitao, WU Zhi, XIA Yuguo, YANG Jiping, LI Yuefei, LI Jie
2024, 20(1): 120-129. DOI: 10.12131/20230111
Abstract PDF
Effects of marine environment on fecundity characteristics of female argentine shortfin squids
WU Haizhu, CHEN Zhaokai, LIN Dongming
2024, 20(1): 130-140. DOI: 10.12131/20230161
Abstract PDF
Seawater quality assessment method based on improved grey relational degree clustering: a case study of Daya Bay
ZHAO Lianling, LIU Huaxue, RAO Yiyong, LIAO Xiuli, DAI Ming, HUANG Honghui
2024, 20(1): 141-150. DOI: 10.12131/20230031
Abstract PDF
Analysis of phytoplankton community in aquaculture crab pond using morphological and metagenomics methods
ZHANG Xu, ZHOU Li, CAI Min, CUI Naxin, ZOU Guoyan, ZHAO Zhiyong, YUAN Quan, HUANG Weiwei, ZHANG Yalei
2024, 20(1): 151-160. DOI: 10.12131/20230141
Abstract PDF
Effects and potential mechanism of oyster peptide on paroxetine-induced sexual dysfunction in male mice
HUANG Qianqian, WU Haiying, QIN Xiaoming
2024, 20(1): 161-172. DOI: 10.12131/20230153
Abstract PDF
Comparative analysis of muscle quality, intestinal morphology and microbial composition in two cultured frogs species
WANG Zhilong, XIA Yun, XIE Jun, SHU Rui, WANG Guangjun, YU Ermeng, LEI Xiaoting, GONG Wangbao
2024, 20(1): 173-183. DOI: 10.12131/20230159
Abstract PDF