Heterosis analysis of main growth-related traits of tilapia
JIE Xiaoyong, LI Sifa, CAI Wanqi, YE Wei, CHEN Huichong, YU Dahui
2007, 3(3): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
Effect of the metalloprotease on growth performance, digestibility and non-specific immune of hybrid tilapia Oreochromis niloticus × O.aureus
WU Lan, XIE Jun, WANG Guangjun, YU Deguang, HU Chaoying, NIU Jifeng
2007, 3(3): 8-13.
Abstract PDF
Effects of probiotics on the dynamic of bacteria in marine shrimp pond
HUANG Honghui, LIN Qin, GUO Zhixun, LI Zhuojia, LU: Xiaoyu, YANG Meilan, JIA Xiaoping
2007, 3(3): 14-19.
Abstract PDF
Application of three microbiological preparations to control of water quality in industrialized shrimp culture
SHEN Nannan, LI Chunhou, JIA Xiaoping, LI Zhuojia, YU Mingchao, WANG Xiaowei, CAO Yucheng
2007, 3(3): 20-25.
Abstract PDF
Study on artificial propagation of mussel Mytilus coruscus
CHANG Kangmei, WU Jianfeng
2007, 3(3): 26-30.
Abstract PDF
Effect of salinity and scale on nutrient contents of muscle of Litopenaeus vannamei
WEN Guoliang, LI Zhuojia, LIN Heizhao, YANG Keng, CAO Yucheng, CHEN Yongqing
2007, 3(3): 31-34.
Abstract PDF
Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and N supply on some physiological and biochemical traits in the economic brown seaweed, Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta)
ZHANG Xin, ZOU Dinghui, XU Zhiguang, LIU Shuxia
2007, 3(3): 35-40.
Abstract PDF
Research on key technology and design for jet fish pump
HUANG Xiaohua, GUO Genxi, TAO Qiyou
2007, 3(3): 41-46.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of fat content and fatty acid composition of eight trash fish in South China Sea
XIE Yan, ZHANG Chaohua, LIU Shucheng, JI Hongwu, HONG Pengzhi
2007, 3(3): 47-52.
Abstract PDF
Effects of different initial feeds on growth and survival rate of larval Oncorhynchus mykiss
JIANG Rendang
2007, 3(3): 53-56.
Abstract PDF
AFLP analysis on original population of mud carp Cirrhinus molitorella
YE Wei, FU Yun, ZHU Caiyan, XIA Junhong
2007, 3(3): 57-60.
Abstract PDF
Research achievements and exploitation prospect of Cephalopoda aquaculture in China
LV Guomin, WU Jinfeng, CHEN Lixiong
2007, 3(3): 61-66.
Abstract PDF
Detection and ecology characteristic of sulfate-reducing bacteria
HU Derong, LIN Qin
2007, 3(3): 67-72.
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Review on applied research of quinolones in aquaculture
WANG Ruixuan, CHEN Bisheng
2007, 3(3): 73-79.
Abstract PDF