Study on the growth performance of skewband grunt Hapalogenys nitens in sea gulf net cage
LI Jiaer, ZHANG Jianqiang, OU Youjun, ZHANG Jiansheng, LIU Zhang, LIAO Rui
2007, 3(4): 1-6.
Abstract PDF
Research on growth of pond-reared Oxyeleotris lineolatus and young and adult fish culture
ZHANG Bangjie, LU Changsheng, LI Chunzhi, MO Jiehua, LI Benwang, ZHANG Ruiyu
2007, 3(4): 7-13.
Abstract PDF
Effects of diets acclimation on the feeding preference of juvenile black abalone
LI Min, ZHU Changbo, ZHANG Hanhua, CHEN Lixiong, WU Jinfeng
2007, 3(4): 14-19.
Abstract PDF
Study of the relationships between SST and mackerel abundances in the Yellow and East China Seas
CUI Ke, CHEN Xinjun
2007, 3(4): 20-25.
Abstract PDF
Studies on limited nutrient factors in outer of Daya Bay in winter
WANG Xiaowei, LI Chunhou, DAI Ming
2007, 3(4): 26-31.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphorus contents in Pearl River Estuary
GAO Peng, LAI Zini, WEI Taili, YANG Wanling, PANG Shixun, XIE Wenping
2007, 3(4): 32-37.
Abstract PDF
Sequence analysis of mitochondrial 16S rRNA of three dolphin species, Tursiops truncatus, Sousa chinensis and Steno bredanensis
LI Lihao, GUO Yihui, HUANG Guiju, JIANG Shigui, JIA Xiaoping, YU Dahui
2007, 3(4): 38-45.
Abstract PDF
The establishment of AFLP analysis system in research of armorhead catfish, Cranoglanis bouderius
CHENG Fei, YE Wei, YE Fuliang, LIU Bo
2007, 3(4): 46-51.
Abstract PDF
Carrying capacity of Porphyra and Laminaria in Dadeng Island sea area of Xiamen
LU Zhenbin, FANG Minjie, DU Qi
2007, 3(4): 52-59.
Abstract PDF
Investigation on application of data visualization in downstream net cage experiment
JIANG Tao, ZHAN Zhixin, LIU Ping
2007, 3(4): 60-64.
Abstract PDF
Advancement of respiratory metabolism study in bivalve mollusus
LIU Yong, SHI Kuntao, ZHANG Shaohua, YUAN Yongdang
2007, 3(4): 65-69.
Abstract PDF
Research progress on technology of microalgae ecological management in shrimp culture
CAO Yucheng, LI Zhuojia, YANG Yingying, WEN Guoliang
2007, 3(4): 70-73.
Abstract PDF
Review on fishery and biology of yellofin tuna(Thunnus albacares)
MENG Xiaomeng, YE Zhenjiang, WANG Yingjun
2007, 3(4): 74-80.
Abstract PDF