Phylogenetic relationships of three species of Labeoninae based on sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA genes
JIANG Shigui, ZHANG Dianchang, LU: Junlin, LI Jianzhu
2005, 1(1): 1-5.
Abstract PDF
Comparative analysis of codon usage of 15 fish transferrin cDNA sequences
LONG Hua, WANG Zurong
2005, 1(1): 6-10.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on enhancement species of artificial reefs area of Guangdong
CHEN Pimao
2005, 1(1): 11-20.
Abstract PDF
The annuli character of scales of Percoidei in the coral reef of Nansha Islands
SHU Liming, CHEN Guobao, LI Yongzhen
2005, 1(1): 21-26.
Abstract PDF
Composition of by-catch of shrimping beam trawl in the Pearl River Estuary, China
YANG Lin, ZHANG Xufeng, ZHANG Peng, TAN Yongguang
2005, 1(1): 27-34.
Abstract PDF
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of florfenicol in tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus×O.aureus)
FENG Jingbin, JIA Xiaoping, LI Liudong
2005, 1(1): 35-42.
Abstract PDF
Study for residues of fishery chemotherapeutic agents in tilapia and Litopeneaus vannamei
LI Lai-hao, YANG Xian-qing, HAO Shu-xian, DIAO Shi-qiang, WU Yan-yan, LI Liu-dong, CHEN Pei-ji, SHI Hong, ZHOU Wan-jun
2005, 1(1): 43-48.
Abstract PDF
Design and making of truncated cone cod-end of deep-water net cage
GUO Gen-xi, TAO Qi-you
2005, 1(1): 49-53.
Abstract PDF
Experiment in industrial artificial breeding of Cyclina sinensis used sea mud as adherings substance
ZHAO Yu-ming, GU Run-run, YU Ye-shao
2005, 1(1): 54-56.
Abstract PDF
The relationship between extensive death of larvae of abalone Haliotis divesicolor Reeve and number of bacteria
WANG Jiang-yong, WANG Rui-xuan, LIU Guang-feng, CHEN Bi-sheng, PAN Jin-pei, XU Hua-sen
2005, 1(1): 57-61.
Abstract PDF
Inhibitory effects of Lactobacillaceae on pathogen Vibrio sp.
YANG Ying-ying, LI Zhuo-jia, CHEN Yong-qing, LIANG Xiao-hua, YANG Keng
2005, 1(1): 62-65.
Abstract PDF
Advances and hot topics for the marine biodiversity protection in China
LI Chun-hou, JIA Xiao-ping
2005, 1(1): 66-70.
Abstract PDF
Advances in research on reproductive biology of Japanese eel(Anguilla japonica)
WANG Guang-jun, XIE Jun, YU De-guang
2005, 1(1): 71-75.
Abstract PDF