Microbiological and quality changes of lighted salted
Pesudosciacna crocer stored at 5, 10, 15, 25℃ were studied. The shelf life of lighted salted
crocer stored at the different temperature was investigated by studying the growth of microbial flora and changes of POV and TVBN during storage. The indicators of spoilage were accurately described. The result of experiment showed: at the end of storage, microbiology growth maximum density was approximately 8~9 log
10CFU · g
-1, T-VBN was about beyond 35~45 mg · 100 g
-1. There is a peak of POV during storage under different conditions, the shelf life of products were 20, 14, 8 and 5 days, respectively. It revealed that the shelf life of vacuum-packed light salted
crocer was very short at the storage above 0℃. Furthermore, the main cause of spoilage was induced by microbiological spoilage. Chemical change is not main cause of spoilage but have some relativity with spoilage.