
Analysis of factors of water treatment with biofilm sequence batch reactor in recirculating aquaculture systems

  • 摘要: 膜法SBR(sequence batch reactor)是将SBR法与接触氧化法相结合的一种新型生物膜法处理工艺。此研究以总氨氮(TAN)及总氮(TN)的去除反应速度作为考察指标,分析生物膜法SBR(biofilm sequence batch reactor,BSBR)处理水产循环养殖系统水体中影响TAN及TN去除效果的主要因素。其中,pH和碱度对硝化反应有很大的影响,pH控制在6.3以上时TAN处理效果较好。溶解氧(DO)对反硝化反应也有较大的影响,同时考虑到水生生物的生长需求,在此试验系统中进入反应器的水体DO最好能控制在4.5~6.5 mg · L-1。水温保持在20℃左右,可以保证有一个较好的脱氮效果。


    Abstract: BSBR (biofilm sequence batch reactor) is a treatment technology.It takes advantages of both activated sludge process and SBR.The paper was to analyze factors of BSBR treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems in terms of removal speed of TAN and TN.The pH and alkalinity has big influence on the nitration reaction, with better removal of TAN and TN under pH>6.3.Dissolved oxygen has also big influence on denitrification reaction.Considering the growth demand of aquatic organism, it is better to control the influent water dissolved oxygen to be 4.5~6.5 mg L-1 in the experimental installation.The water temperature is better maintained at about 20℃ so that a good denitrogenation effect can be guaranted.


