
Effects of parent acclimation and heat-shock at gastrula on growth and development of sea cucumber larvae

  • 摘要: 文章探讨了刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)亲本南方驯化和囊胚期幼体热应激对浮游幼体生长、发育的影响。刺参亲本分为未度夏(DA)组和已度夏(XP)组,每组设置对照组(C)和热应激组(H),在囊胚期对H组进行45 min、26 ℃的高温应激,然后分别在18 ℃和23 ℃下培育至变态。结果表明,培育温度对H组和C组幼体的生长有显著影响,C组幼体在23 ℃下的特定生长率高于18 ℃,而H组正好相反。从耳状幼体第2天开始,DA组和XP组幼体的最大体长开始出现在H组,这与幼体对饵料的摄取有关。H组幼体的变态率要显著低于C组,这归因于高温应激导致的高畸形率。DA组和XP组幼体的生长、成活以及附着变态率之间差异不显著。鉴于之前研究结果,可通过下述途径获取耐高温刺参苗种:首先在囊胚期进行高温应激获取耐高温幼参,然后在南方进行幼体培育和中间养成,性成熟后进行苗种繁育,最后经过累代选育固定耐高温性状。


    Abstract: This study investigated the effects of parent-acclimation and heat-shock at gastrula stage on growth and development of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) larvae. The adult sea cucumbers were split into two groups: DA group and XP group, each with two treatments: control (C) and heat-shock (H). Gastrula larvae of H were heated at 26 ℃ for 45 min and then reared at 18 ℃ and 23 ℃ separately until metamorphosis. Results show that the specific growth rate at 23 ℃ was higher than that at 18 ℃ in the control, but the trend was opposite in heat-shock treatment. Since the 2nd day of auricularia, the maximum body length had been observed in heat-shock treatment for both DA and XP group, which was due to the ingestion of food. The setting rate of heat-shock treatment was significantly lower than that of the control due to the high rate of deformed individuals caused by heat-shock. Thus, high temperature-resistant sea cucumbers can be acquired via the following steps: first, obtain a certain number of high temperature-resistant juveniles by heat-shock at gastrula stage; then, culture these individuals in southern China until sexual maturity; finally, fix the high temperature-resistant properties by generation selection.


