
Causes and countermeasures of corrosion in steel fishing vessel

  • 摘要: 钢质渔船船体经常出现腐蚀现象,文章系统阐述了其腐蚀的原因和对策,查明了船体腐蚀主要是由电化学腐蚀引起的,其根本原因是电位梯度产生电流,通常采用涂层保护和阴极保护2种方法进行腐蚀防护。文章从工艺、安装、系统维修和经济性4个方面对阴极保护中的牺牲阳极和外加电流2种阴极保护方法进行对比。在渔船靠泊情况下,对阴极保护中外加电流保护法进行数值模拟计算,采用ANSYS软件建立海区电场计算模型,通过边界元数值计算求得海区电场的电位分布情况,进一步提出新的消除靠泊渔船电化学腐蚀的解决方案。


    Abstract: We discuss the mechanism of corrosion in steel fishing vessel mainly caused by electrochemical corrosion, and the primary cause is voltage gradient producing electric current.Besides, we compare sacrificial anodes protection method and impressed current protection method in the aspects of technology, installation, system maintenance and economy.Based on the numerical simulation conducted for impressed current protection in the case of fishing vessel berthing, we establish an electrostatic field numerical model by the software ANSYS, and use boundary element method (BEM) to solve potential distribution problem.Thus, new strategies are proposed to eliminate electrochemical corrosion in berthing steel fishing vessel.


