
Artificial breeding of Chinese sanguin(Hiatula chinensis)

  • 摘要: 在繁殖季节对中国紫蛤Hiatuala chinensis亲贝进行营养强化培育可促使性腺在1周内成熟并自然排放精卵。在水温26.0~28.0℃条件下, 卵子受精约30min出现第一极体, 1h后进行第一次分裂发育至2细胞, 5h后发育至囊胚期, 12h后发育至担轮幼虫期, 19h发育至D形幼虫。D形幼虫培育密度控制在1 ind·mL-1, 采用不同饵料种类进行培育效果的比较, 结果表明, 一直投喂小球藻Chlorella vulgaris的效果最差, 幼虫发育至第7天陆续死亡; D形幼虫初期投喂金藻Dicrateria zhanjiangensis饵料, 从壳顶幼虫期开始混合投喂牟氏角毛藻Chaetoceros muelleri和亚心形扁藻Platymonas subcordiformis, 幼虫发育正常, 壳长平均增长10μm·d-1, 幼虫培育17d后开始进入附着变态阶段, 从附着变态的稚贝开始, 培育50d, 幼贝平均壳长可达4625μm, 壳长平均增长87.5μm·d-1


    Abstract: Artificial breeding of Chinese sanguin(Hiatula chinensis) was described in this article. During breeding season, the broodstocks of Chinese sanguin could mature and naturally spawn in one week after they were collected from the wild and fed with rich algae in an indoor rearing tank. Under water temperature range of 26.0~28.0℃, cleavage of zygotes and morula occurred in 1 h and 5 h, respectively; trocophore and D-larvae occurred in 12 h and 19 h, respectively, after fertilization. The D-larvae were reared at a density of 1 ind·mL-1 and fed with different algae. When fed with alga Chlorella vulgaris, the larvae died gradually after 7 days′ culture. When fed with Dicrateria zhanjiangensis at D-larvae and added with Platymonas subcordiformis along with Chaetoceros muelleri the larvae grew well. When D-larvae changed to early umbone veligers, the larvae grew at average 10 μm·d-1 in shell length and started metamorphosis on the 17th day after rearing. The mean shell length of the spat grew at 87.5 μm·d-1 and reached to 4 625 μm by 50 days′ rearing after larval settlement and metamorphosis.


