
Dietary composition and trophic position of Tachypleus tridentatus

  • 摘要: 通过对北部湾海域采集的中华鲎 (Tachypleus tridentatus) 样品及其食物网链中具有食源可能性的种类 (虾类、蟹类、双壳类和鱼类) 进行碳、氮稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N) 比值测定,采用稳定同位素混合模型 (SIAR) 分析北部湾中华鲎食物组成及其营养位置。结果显示,中华鲎δ13C均值为(−17.11±0.03)‰,δ15N均值为(12.14±0.20)‰。SIAR模型显示双壳类为中华鲎的主要食物来源,其平均贡献率为31.27%;其次为鱼类,平均贡献率为25.91%;蟹类平均贡献率占比为23.50%;虾类平均贡献率占比最低 (19.32%)。营养位置分析显示中华鲎营养位置为2.02±0.06。该研究涉及的中华鲎潜在食源样本中,鱼类、虾类和蟹类的营养位置分别为2.13±0.51、2.36±0.09和2.61±0.21。营养位置分析表明中华鲎在自然生态系统食物网中处于较为弱势的地位,在已然濒危的情况下迫切需要科学的保护措施。


    Abstract: The stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of carbon and nitrogen of Tachypleus tridentatus collected from Beibu Gulf and its potential food source species (Shrimps, crabs, bivalves and fishes) in food web were determined. Besides, their food composition and nutritional position were anayzed by stable isoelement mixture model (SIAR). The results show that the average δ13C and δ15N values of the T. tridentatus were (−17.11±0.03)‰ and (12.14±0.20)‰, respectively. Potential food sources of T. tridentatus were shrimps, crabs, bivalves and fishes. The SIAR model shows that bivalves were the main food source of T. tridentatus with average contribution rate of 31.27% (Fishes: 25.91%, crabs: 23.50%, shrimps: 19.32%). The trophic position of T. tridentatus was 2.02±0.06, while those of fishes, shrimps and crabs were 2.13±0.51, 2.36±0.09 and 2.61±0.21, respectively. Trophic position analysis shows that T. tridentatus is in a relatively weak position in the natural ecosystem food web, and scientific protection measures are urgently needed as it is already endangered.


