
Recent progress on remote sensing technology for marine fisheries in China

  • 摘要: 遥感已成为渔情分析和预报的重要技术手段之一。文章回顾了国内外渔业遥感技术的发展,对国外遥感渔场渔情分析应用现状进行了简要的评述,并详细介绍了我国在海洋渔场环境分析和渔场预报服务方面的研究进展。对我国今后的渔业遥感应用研究提出了几点建议。


    Abstract: Remote sensing has become one of the important tools to marine fisheries. This paper reviews the recent progress on remote sensing techniques applicable to fishery. The application status of remote sensing-derived marine environment factors to analyze and forecast fishery ground and fishing condition abroad are presented. Progress on analysis of marine environment and forecasting of fishery ground in China are also illustrated. Future technique development and their applications are discussed.


