
Sterilization application of the food grade hydrogen peroxide in shrimp muscle polluted bacteria

  • 摘要: 就新型杀菌技术-过氧化氢杀菌在虾仁加工过程中的应用进行了初步探讨。结果表明:过氧化氢对虾仁的适宜作用条件为:有效过氧化氢浓度1.27 g·L-1,作用时间为2 min,浸泡液与样品的比例为2:1或浸没样品。过氧化氢溶液受温度影响较大,溶液于低温下放置,随放置时间的延长,有效过氧化氢浓度逐渐降低,操作过程宜在低温条件下进行。过氧化氢溶液处理后的样品宜进行适度的水洗处理,以便去除大量残留在虾仁表面的过氧化氢,同时可以阻止残留过氧化氢对虾仁有机质成分的进一步氧化。


    Abstract: A new sterilization agent-food grade hydrogen peroxide was studied for sterilization application in shrimp muscle. The results showed that temperature was one of the important factors for stability of hydrogen peroxide.Valid concentration of hydrogen peroxide was decreasing gradually even at low temperature, so low temperature was preferable for its stability. The optimal sterilization conditions were 1.27 g·L-1, 2 min processing and a double sterilization solution to sample. In order to erase residues on the surface and prevent further oxidation of shrimp muscle organism substance, enough washing to sample was necessary.


