
Preliminary study on sediment oxygen demand of marine cage aquaculture in Dapeng′ao Bay

  • 摘要: 2005年5月对大鹏澳海水网箱养殖海域的沉积物进行密闭培养实验,并进行了水温、DO、BOD5、CODMn、pH等环境因子的现场测定。结果表明:研究海域的沉积物SOD20(在20±2℃下培养)达到3.73(网箱区平均值)、2.70(贝类养殖区)和1.24 g·(m2·d)-1(对照区)。t检验表明,在95%的置信水平上网箱区SOD20明显高于对照区。回归分析表明沉积物需氧量随培养时间呈非线性变化,沉积物需氧量与底层海水DO的相关系数达到-0.900(P=0.05)。


    Abstract: Sealed incubating experiment about the sediment of seawater cage aquaculture in Dapeng′ao Bay was conducted in May 2005, and in-situ investigation of the environmental factors was also made, these factors include water temperature, DO, BOD5, COD and pH. The result indicated a significant SOD appeared in the testing area and the values of SOD in cage area were higher than that in the contrast area. Nonlinear variations were determined between SOD and incubation time, meanwhile, preferable pertinences between SOD and DO, COD, BOD5 and pH were determined.


