中国南麂列岛铜藻Sargassum horneri实地生态学的初步研究

In situ ecological studies of the subtidal brown alga Sargasssum horneri at Nanji Island of China

  • 摘要: 铜藻Sargassum horneri藻株高大,枝叶繁茂,是中国暖温带海域浅海区海藻场的主要连片大型褐藻物种。文章报道了2006年3月~2007年7月开展的南麂列岛铜藻海藻场实地调查结果。结果表明,铜藻繁茂生长在潮流通畅、风浪较为平静海湾的大干潮线以下至-4 m浅海岩礁上,漂浮海面形成海藻场;从调查的种群情况来看,野生种群主体以有性生殖长成的1年生藻株为主,残枝再生的2年生藻株只占5%;铜藻的生长和繁殖适温为11~16℃;繁殖盛期水温16~20℃。根据观察,铜藻海藻场近年以来一直在缩小,个别地区已经成片消失。初步提出了“铜藻以有性生殖为主,残枝营养繁殖为辅,共同维持种群繁衍”的推论。恢复与重建铜藻海藻场需要详细了解铜藻的繁殖和种群生态变迁规律,该研究为实现此目的提供了理论帮助。


    Abstract: Sargassum horneri is one of the main components in the subtidal seaweed flora along the Chinese warmer water coast. With the changes of global climate and the increases of human activities, the once abundant algal biomass of S.horneri along the coast of Nanji Island (27°27′N, 121°05′E) has been reduced in recent years. In order to understand this changes, in situ observation of field individual plants were performed during 2006~2007 at four field sites distributed at intertidal zones. It was found that, (1) field population was mainly composed of the annual sporophytes derived from zygote via sexual reproduction, while the biannual plant was only about 5% of the total population; (2) the optimal temperature for growth and reproduction was 11~16℃. Sexual reproduction peaked at the temperatures of 16~20℃. Sporophytes of S.horneri are tolerant of a wide spectrum of irradiance, and are thus one of the ideal candidates in reconstruction of artificial seaweed beds.


