Design and implementation management information system for spring fishing moratorium′s monitoring stations of Yangtze River′s lower reaches
摘要: 长江渔业资源日益衰退,“春季禁渔”措施全面启动,结合GIS组件和可视化开发工具设计和实现了长江下游春禁监测站管理信息系统,旨在提高办公自动化水平,提升“春季禁渔”的管理水平。地理信息系统的引入,有助于增强春禁监测站管理的交互性和直观性。Abstract: Based on the decline of fisheries resources of Yangtze River and execution of the policy of spring fishing moratorium, management information system for spring fishing moratoriun′s monitoring stations of Yangtze River′s lower reachers is developed by ComGIS and VB. It aimed to level the standard of OA and management. The module of geographic information system conduces to strength the function of communication and visualization.