Detection of aminoglycosides in foods of animal origin
摘要: 氨基糖苷类抗生素是目前水产业中常用的抗菌药, 其残留问题以及相应的检测技术已经显得愈加重要。文章综述了目前该类抗生素已有的定性和定量分析方法, 主要包括微生物法、仪器分析法和免疫方法等, 并对今后的研究和发展趋势作了预测。Abstract: The aminoglycosides are widely applied in aquaculture as veterinary medicine. It has become increasingly urgent to realize the importance of their residue in food and detection. The major part of this article comprises a comprehensive review of current detection, including microbiological assay, instrumental analytical method, immune analytical method, and predicts the research and development for the future.