Research achievements and exploitation prospect of Cephalopoda aquaculture in China
摘要: 概括性地介绍了头足类在我国海洋渔业中的地位、头足类生物学特性、增养殖研究现状、养殖开发前景。重点介绍了曼氏无针乌贼、金乌贼、长蛸、真蛸、嘉庚蛸、短蛸等种类的生态特征、繁育和养殖技术。Abstract: This article gives a general introduction to the role of Cephalopoda in China ocean fishery, its biological characteristics, aq-uaculture research achievements and exploitation prospect. It particularly gives an introduction to the ecological characteristics, prolif-eration, and cultivation technique of Sepiella maindronic, Sepia eseulenta, Octopus varibilis, O.vulgaris, O.tankahkeei, O.ocellatus, etc.