
Composition and distribution of Serranidae in main coral reef waters of South China Sea

  • 摘要: 1998年3~5月和1999年5~6月,采用手钓、延绳钓和刺网3种作业方式在西沙的浪花礁、华光礁、琛航岛、永兴岛、北礁和南沙的渚碧礁、南薰礁、东门礁、美济礁、赤瓜礁、永署礁、华阳礁等12座珊瑚礁水域进行了2个航次的鱼类资源调查,捕获鮨科鱼类6属25种,渔获量计942尾256.4 kg;其中在南沙调查区捕获6属22种,共641尾205.5 kg,优势种依次为尾纹九棘鲈、蜂巢石斑鱼、六角石斑鱼、黑边石斑鱼;在西沙调查区捕获6属14种,共301尾50.9 kg,优势种依次为尾纹九棘鲈、六角石斑鱼、黑边石斑鱼、蜂巢石斑鱼,同时分析了主要种类尾纹九棘鲈、六角石斑鱼和蜂巢石斑鱼的生物学特征。


    Abstract: During March to May 1998 and May to June 1999, two fishery resource survey cruises were carried out in twelve main coral reef waters of South China Sea, Langhua reef, Huaguang reef, Shenhang island, Yongxing island, Bei reef, Zhubi reef, Nanxun reef, Dongmen reef, Meiji reef, Chigua reef, Yongshu reef and Huayang reef using three fishing methods, namely hand line, long line and gill net. The catch of Serranidae fish was 942 individuals weighted 256.4 kg, including 25 species in 6 genera. A part of Serranidae was caught in the investigating area of Nansha Islands, including 22 species 641 individuals weighted 205.5 kg in 6 genera, and other part was caught in the investigating area of Xisha Islands, including 14 species 301 individuals weighted 50.9 kg in 6 genera. The dominant species included Cephalopholis urodelus, Epinephelus merra, E.hexagonatus and E. fasciatus in Nansha Islands, C. urodelus, E.hexagonatus, E. fasciatus and E.merra in Xisha Islands, gradually. In addition, the paper analyzed biological property of C. urodelus, E. hexagonatus and E.merra.


