
Comprehensive application of biological control techniques for water purification in aquaculture

  • 摘要: 随着水产养殖业的快速发展以及集约化程度的不断加深,养殖水体的污染日益严重,由此造成的病害问题也越来越严重。文章综述了常见的几种生物控制方法微生态制剂、光合细菌、大型藻类和水生植物在水产养殖水质净化中的调控作用。养殖业者应结合本身的养殖条件进行选择,不要盲目照搬,以求达到净化水质,促进水产养殖业快速发展的目的。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of aquaculture and its intensive extensively expansion, resulting in large-scale occurrence of aquatic animals' diseases, the water polluted is one of the most important reasons. This paper reviewed several kinds of bio-control techniques, such as microecological agents,photosynthetic bacteria, hydrophyte and macroalga, displayed their respective water purificational effects in aquaculture. Culturists can select randomly on the basis of aquaculture conditions and make good use of it, in order to achieve water purification and improve the further development of healthy aquaculture.


