
Carrying capacity of shellfish culture in Weitou Bay of Fujian

  • 摘要: 通过对围头湾的叶绿素a含量、初级生产力、潮下带、潮间带和吊养区非养殖滤食性动物现存量、养殖贝类有机碳含量及其含壳重与鲜组织重的比值等模型参数的调查测定和检测分析,并参照邻近大嶝岛海域的浮游植物有机碳含量、养殖贝类的滤水率和参照附近深沪湾的生态效率,采用营养动态模型和沿岸海域能流分析模型估算了该海域贝类生态容量,进而扣除野生滤食性动物现存量,估算贝类养殖容量;同时应用方建光模型估算贝类的养殖容量;还采用统计分析法估算贝类及其各养殖品种的适养面积,目的在于控制该海域贝类的养殖量和对各种贝类养殖量进行优化配置。3种模型估算的贝类养殖容量分别为111 720 t,508 246×104 ind;112 072 t,509 849×104ind和114 504 t,520 789×104ind,平均112 765 t,512 991ind;适养面积为3 905 hm2,其中牡蛎2 956 hm2,缢蛏359 hm2,菲律宾蛤仔489 hm2,翡翠贻贝11 hm2,凸壳肌蛤90 hm2。1999年贝类养殖总面积1 894 hm2,尚有2 011 hm2可再扩大养殖的潜力。


    Abstract: The investigation and determination was carried out on the related model parameters of Weitou Bay of Fujian including chlorophyll-a, primary production, stock of wild filter feeder in subtidal and intertidal zones, and suspension culture area, organic carbon content in cultured shellfish and the weight ratio of whole shellfish and fresh tissue. Organic carbon content in plankton, filtration rate of cultured shellfish in Dadeng sea area and ecology effects of Shenhu Bay nearby were consulted. Nutrient Dynamic Model and Coastal Waters′ Energy Flow Analysis Model were used to estimate ecological capacity of shellfish in this area, from which, the stock of wild filter feeder was deducted for estimate shellfish culture capacity. Fang Jianguang′s model was also used to estimate shellfish culture capacity. Statistic analysis was used to estimate suitable culture area of each shellfish species, aiming at limiting local shellfish culture and optimizing the culture of various shellfish species. According to estimation of the three models, the shellfish carrying capacity in this area should be 111 720 t, 508 246 104, 112 072 t, 509 849 104 and 114 504 t, 520 789 104 , respectively, averaging 112 765 t, 512 991 individuals. The suitable culture area of shellfish in total was 3 905 hm2, among which oyster was 2 956 hm2, Sinonovacula constricta 359 hm2, Ruditapes philipinarum 489 hm2, Perna viridisl 11 hm2, Musculus senhousei 90 hm2. The actual culture area of shellfish in 1999 was 1 894 hm2. There is still 2 011 hm2 to be exploited.


