
The problems and countermeasures on the tuna purse seine fishery in WCPCO

  • 摘要: 中西太平洋是金枪鱼围网最主要的作业海域。我国金枪鱼围网虽起步较晚,但发展较快,当前已初具规模,大都取得了较好的经济效益。拥有金枪鱼资源的太平洋岛国其资源保护力度不断增强。我国金枪鱼围网船都是引进的二手船,在船只的保养、使用及船员的配置、管理等方面产生了许多问题,这些问题影响作业生产,并对远洋渔业公司的收益和长远发展不利,文章就新形势下生产、管理中出现的问题进行了分析,并就如何进一步提高产量,科学管理提出了建议,以期使我国的金枪鱼围网渔业更好地发展。


    Abstract: The tuna purse seine mainly works in the WCPCO (Western and Central Pacific Ocean). Although beginning a little later, some Chinese fishery corporations have developed to a certain extent and benefited a lot from tuna purse seine fishery. Meanwhile, the protection and management of the Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) are more and more strict. As Chinese tuna ships are second hand and introduced from foreign, inevitably, many problems in the maintenance and the management of personnel and fishing vessels come forth. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to solve them to improve the production and management of the fishery corporations. This paper analyzes these problems and tries to find the ways to solve. These suggestions are expected to bring profit and salutary to the whole China's tuna purse seining.


