
Effects of different combinations of diets on the growth and food conversion efficiency of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis

  • 摘要: 采用沙丁鱼肌肉(FF)、鹰爪虾肌肉(SF)、菲律宾蛤仔足肌(CF)、沙蚕(PW)和配合饲料(FD)5种饵料,设计了CF+PW、CF+FD、PW+FD、CF+FD+PW、FF+FD+PW+FD、FF+SF+CF+PW+FD共6种饵料搭配投喂模式,研究了不同饵料搭配对中国明对虾的生长和饵料转化效率的影响。中国明对虾摄食混合饵料后的生长都比除PW处理外的4种单种饵料投喂处理快,CF+PW处理的对虾在实验结束时的体重、增重率最大。混合投喂处理的饵料转化效率均高于除PW外的所有单种饵料投喂处理,所有混合投喂处理的实际饵料转化效率都比预测值高,并且除了PW+FD和CF+FD+PW两个处理的实际值与预测值差异不显著外,其它混合处理的饵料转化效率实际值都显著高于预测值。文中还对不同饵料搭配的优势对对虾饵料选择性的影响及产生这些优势的原因进行了探讨。


    Abstract: The five diets used in the experiment were: fish flesh (FF)—the flesh of sardine (Sardinella zunasi), which was got rid of head, scales, fins, bowels, and bones; shrimp flesh (SF) —the flesh of a small size shrimp (Trachypenaeus curvirostris), which was got rid of head and shell; clam foot (CF) —the foot of clam (Ruditapes varigata), which was cut from the clam; polychaete worm (PW) —Neanthes japonica worm; formulated diet (FD) —a commercial sold shrimp diet (Sea-Horse brand; producer: Fujian Mawei Unite Feed Ltd. Co., China; Ingredients: bean powder, fish powder, shrimp powder, compound vitamines, and compound minerals). Six different combinations of diets (CF+PW, CF+FD, PW+FD, CF+FD+PW, FF+FD+PW+FD, and FF+SF+CF+PW+FD) and five single diets (FF, SF, CF, PW, and FD) were designed to investigate their effects on the growth and food conversion efficiency (FCE) of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The shrimp fed with mixed diets grew faster than those fed with single diet except PW and the shrimp in CF+PW treatment was the highest in terms of final weight and weight gain. The food conversion efficiencies (FCE) in mixed diets treatments were higher than all single diet treatments except PW and also higher than the estimated food conversion efficiencies (eFCE). Besides this, all FCE of mixed diets treatments were significant higher than eFCE except that FCE of PW+FD and CF+FD+PW were higher than eFCE but not significant. The effects of the advantages of mixed diets treatments on dietary selection of shrimp and causation of the advantages were discussed.


