
Stock variation of Parargyrops edita Tanaka in Beibu Gulf

  • 摘要: 根据不同时期在北部湾进行的渔业资源调查资料,对北部湾二长棘鲷群体的资源状况进行了综合分析。结果表明,该资源年间数量变动明显,平均渔获率最高为35.8 kg·h-1(2000),最低为2.73 kg·h-1(1992),其数量变动机制是生长、死亡和补充因素综合决定的。二长棘鲷渔获率的季节分布主要是由洄游引起的,目前以3~5月的渔获率最高。北部湾二长棘鲷的高渔获率主要出现在30~60 m水深,尤以30~40 m水深海域最高。近年来该资源有所恢复,但渔获组成主要以当年生幼鱼和低龄鱼群体组成。并探讨了资源分布与数量变动以及养护资源的措施。


    Abstract: Based on the data of trawl surveys conducted in Beibu Gulf (105°40′~110°10′E, 17°00′~21°45′N), annual variation and seasonal distribution of crimson sea bream Parargyrops edita Tanaka were analyzed. The results show that the stock had apparently annual variation. The catch rates fluctuate from 35.8 kg·h-1(2000)to 2.73 kg·h-1(1992). In general, the variation results from recruitment, growth and mortality. Seasonal change of the catch rates was caused by immigration during spawning period, and the catch rates during March to May is higher than that in other months. It mainly distributed in depths of 30~60 m with the highest in 30~40 m. Although the output of P. edita showed a sign of recruitment, the object utilized was mainly focused on the juvenile and lower one-year old. The cause of annual and seasonal variation of the stock were discussed, and proposals for the conservation resource were presented also.


