
Analysis on the catch composition and fishing season of Nemipterus virgatus gillnet in the northern South China Sea

  • 摘要: 根据“粤阳东18023”渔船2006年1月至2007年12月的渔获销售记录,结合春、秋2季的渔获抽样测量数据,对使用单片刺网在南海北部作业的大型金线鱼流网船的生产情况进行了分析。结果显示,渔获以底层和近底层种类为主,带鱼Trichiurus haumela、长尾大眼鲷Priacanthus tayenus和金线鱼Nemipterus virgatus为渔获优势种,占产量的29.7%、13.3%和10.5%,占产值的27.4%、24.4%和15.7%;渔船全年作业,汛期在11月至翌年3月,其中1月为旺汛期,休渔期的产量和产值在全年中所占比重很小;优势种渔获以成鱼为主,其CPUE的高值期与汛期基本一致。


    Abstract: According to the sales records of fishing boat " YUE YANG DONG NO.18023" from January 2006 to December 2007, together with the sampling data of catches caught in spring and autumn, catch composition of large-scale Nemipterus virgatus drift gillnet vessels fishing in the northern South China Sea were analyzed. Results showed that catches were mainly composed of bottom and near-bottom species, Trichiurus haumela, Priacanthus tayenus and N.virgatus accounted for 29.7%, 13.3% and 10.5% in catch, respectively, or 27.4%, 24.4% and 15.7% in value, respectively. The vessel fished all the year round, the major fishing season was from November to March and the fishing peak season was in January. The production and value of catches during the fishing off season were relatively small compared to the whole year catches. The dominant species caught were mainly adult fishes, and the season of high CPUE was nearly consistent with the fishing season.


