
Application of photosynthetic bacteria and Bacillus for rearing Coelomatra antiquate larvae

  • 摘要: 研究了不换水、添加以光合细菌和芽胞杆菌属为主的复合微生物制剂于水中对西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)育苗的影响。以幼虫培育密度为0.5,1 ind · mL-1,分2大试验组进行不换水而添加不同浓度光合细菌和复合微生物制剂的试验,结果表明:这2大组中都是添加光合细菌40 μL · L-1、微生物制剂2 μg · L-1的小组, 其幼虫生长最快;幼虫密度为0.5 ind · mL-1的试验组,8 d内换水与不换水,添加与不添加复合微生物, 对于幼虫成活率影响不大,而幼虫密度为1 ind · mL-1的试验组必需添加一定量的微生物(光合细菌40 μL · L-1、微生物制剂2 μg · L-1)才可达到与换水对照组同样高的成活率。


    Abstract: A mode of using photosynthetic bacteria and Bacillus for rearing Coelomatra antiquate larvae under no water exchange was studied. The experiment was designed in which two groups of larval density(0.5, 1 ind · mL-1) were treated with different concentration of probiotic bacteria without water exchange, and control group with and without water exchange. The best growth rate was found in group treated with 40 μL · L-1 photosynthetic bacteria and 2 μg · L-1 Bacillus in this experiment. For the groups reared at 0.5 ind · mL-1, survival was not significantly different. For the groups reared at 1 ind · mL-1, only when treated with 40 μL · L-1 photosynthetic bacteria and 2 μg · L-1 Bacillus, was larvae survival not significanty different from the control group with water exchange.


