The oxygen consumption [mg(fishh)-1] of fry of seba's snapper Litanies sebae in relation to body weight gives a straight line Y=0.756+0.513X, when the oxygen consumption [mg(kgh)-1] is plotted against the body weight. The oxygen consumption [mg(kgh)-1] of fry of this species decreases as the body weight of fry growing from 0.611g to 22.821g. It can be expressed by the regression line of Y=1246.430X-0.036. Oxygen consumption of the fry under dark condition is 15.362%~31.675% lower than that in light exposure. In the water with low salinity the fry takes up more oxygen, but it uptakes less as the salinity decreased. With the aggravation of starvation, the oxygen consumption of fry of L.sebae decreases on an echelon way. The suffocation point of fry of L.sebae are 0.93 and 1.17 mgL-1 respectively under the condition of salinity of 20 and 28.