
Preliminary analysis of nekton composition and diversity in Jiangmen waters, China

  • 摘要: 为探究广东江门海域游泳动物种类组成、资源密度、优势种和多样性及其变化趋势,于2016年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、8月(夏季)和10月(秋季)对该海域进行了4个航次的拖网数据调查。结果显示,江门海域共发现游泳动物132种,隶属17目60科,其中鱼类94种,甲壳类31种,头足类7种。各季节渔获种类数差异较小,渔获物中以鱼类占绝对优势,其次为甲壳类和头足类。游泳动物全年的平均资源密度为291.61 kg·km–2,其中秋季最高(484.67 kg·km–2),夏季最低(76.76 kg·km–2)。相对重要性指数(IRI)表明,该海域主要优势种为康氏小公鱼(Stolephorus commersoni)、周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri)、凤鲚(Coilia mystus)和裘氏小沙丁鱼(Sardinella jussieu)等(IRI>1 000),其中康氏小公鱼为全年优势种。物种丰富度指数(D)变化范围为2.325~3.029,均匀度指数(J' )变化范围为0.500~0.708,多样性指数(H' )变化范围为1.201~3.032。分析表明,该海域渔获物以小型鱼类为主,个体小型化明显,甲壳类优势种类单一,与周边海域对比,江门海域多样性处于中等水平。


    Abstract: Based on four bottom trawl surveys in the Jiangmen waters of Guangdong Province in January (winter), April (spring), August (summer) and October (autumn) of 2016, we analyzed the species composition, stock density, dominant species and biodiversity index in that area. A total of 132 nekton species were captured (94 fishes, 31 crustaceans and 7 cephalopods). The species composition had little difference among seasons. The main species were of Fish, followed by Crustaceans and Cephalopoda. The average annual stock density was 291.61 kg·km–2, highest in autumn (484.67 kg·km–2) and lowest in summer (76.76 kg·km–2). According to the index of relative importance (IRI), the main dominant species were Stolephorus commersoni, Metapenaeus joyneri and Sardinella jussieu, among which S.commersoni was the dominant species of the year. The Margalef species richness index D ranged from 2.325 to 3.029. The Pielou evenness index J' ranged from 0.500 to 0.708. The diversity index H' ranged from 1.201 to 3.032. The results reveal that the catches in this area are mainly small fish, and the individual miniaturization is obvious. The dominant species of Crustacean is single. Compared with the surrounding sea area, the diversity in Jiangmen waters is at middle level.


