
Effect of lipid removal on carbon and nitrogen isotopes of Sthenoeuthis oualaniensis from South China Sea

  • 摘要: 碳 (C)、氮(N)稳定同位素分析目前已成为研究水生生物摄食生态和洄游等方面的重要手段。作为主要分析材料的肌肉组织,常因含有碳稳定同位素比值 (δ13C)较低的脂类而对稳定同位素分析造成影响。为了探讨脂类去除对鸢乌贼(Sthenoeuthis oualaniensis)肌肉样品δ13C和氮稳定同位素比值 (δ15N)分析的影响,对2017年4月在南海采集的鸢乌贼样品进行了稳定同位素研究,并对不同的脂类校正模型进行对比以优选出最适用于鸢乌贼的δ13C校正模型。结果显示,脂类去除后鸢乌贼的δ13C和δ15N均发生了显著变化(P<0.01),分别平均升高0.85‰和0.71‰。脂类去除对鸢乌贼δ13C的影响与个体大小和性别无关(P>0.05)。根据最小赤池信息准则(AIC),模型3最适用于鸢乌贼δ13C校正。研究结果表明了脂类去除在鸢乌贼肌肉δ13C分析中的必要性,但δ15N同样受到了影响,今后进行δ15N分析时不需进行脂类去除。


    Abstract: The stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are important in evaluating feeding ecology and migration of organisms. Muscle tissues are commonly used as analytical samples, but lipids in muscles with low δ13C values can affect the stable isotopes analysis. To understand the effect of lipid removal on carbon and nitrogen stables isotopes in Sthenoeuthis oualaniensis muscle samples, we analyzed the stable isotopes of S.oualaniensis captured in the South China Sea in April, 2017. In addition, we compared different lipid removal models to get the best fitted model to revise δ13C values in S.oualaniensis muscles. The results show that after lipid removal, both δ13C and δ15N values changed significantly (P<0.01), increasing by 0.85‰ and 0.71‰, respectively. The lipid removal of δ13C values in S.oualaniensis muscles did not change with size and sex (P>0.05). Besides, Model 3 had the lowest Akaike information criterion value (AIC), indicating that it is the best fitted model for revising δ13C values. The results reveal that lipid removal is necessary in analyzing δ13C values in S.oualaniensis muscles, but δ15N values are affected when lipids are removed, so lipid removal is unnessary in δ15N values analysis.


