
Preliminary study on community structure of mesopelagic species in the central South China Sea during autumn and winter

  • 摘要: 根据2014年对南海中部海域秋冬季2个航次中层拖网调查数据, 分析了中层渔业生物种类组成、优势种和多样性等群落结构特征。共鉴定中层渔业生物241种, 其中鱼类196种、头足类21种、甲壳类24种, 冬季的渔获种类高于秋季, 但单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)略低于秋季。相对重要性指数(index of relative importance, IRI)结果表明, 秋季IRI≥100的优势种群有25种, 其中IRI≥500的优势种有5种, 包括蝰鱼(Chauliodus sloani)、尾明角灯鱼(Ceratoscopelus warmingii)、条带眶灯鱼(Diaphus brachycephalus)、日本乌鲂(Brama japonica)和条带多光鱼(Diplophos taenia); 冬季IRI≥100的优势种群有26种, 其中IRI≥500的优势种有3种, 分别为典型刺虾(Oplphorus typus)、蝰鱼和太平洋帆乌贼(Histioteuthis pacifica)。秋冬季的IRI组成不存在显著性差异(P>0.05)。以个体数计算的中层渔业生物丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数冬季高于秋季, 但优势度指数是冬季低于秋季。以生物量计算的多样性指标中, 冬季中层渔业生物丰富度指数和多样性指数高于秋季, 而优势度指数和均匀度指数则低于秋季。利用数量生物量比较曲线(abundance-biomass comparison curves, ABC) 方法分析南海中部海域中层渔业生物群落的状况, 结果显示, 秋季中层渔业生物群落处于较大干扰状况, 冬季群落处于中等干扰状况。


    Abstract: Based on the data collected by midwater trawl survey in the central South China Sea in autumn and winter of 2014, the community structures including composition, dominant species, and biodiversity index of mesopelagic species were analyzed, and 241 mesopelagic fish species were recorded during the survey, including 196 fish species, 21 cephalopod species and 24 crustacean species. The number of mesopelagic species in winter was higher than that in autumn; the catch per unit effort (CPUE) in autumn, by contrast, was slightly higher than that in winter. According to the index of relative importance (IRI), 25 dominant populations (IRI≥100) in autumn were confirmed, including five dominant species which are Chauliodus sloani, Ceratoscopelus warmingii, Diaphus brachycephalus, Brama japonica, Diplophos taenia (IRI≥500);and there are three dominant species (IRI≥500) among 26 dominant population (IRI≥100) in winter, including Oplphorus typus, C.sloani, Histioteuthis pacifica. There is no significant difference in IRI between autumn and winter. The Margalef index, Pielou index and Shannon-Weiner index calculated from individual number of mesopelagic species in winter were higher than those in autumn, but the Simpson index in winter was lower than that in autumn. The Margalef index and Shannon-Weiner index calculated by biomass in winter were higher than that in autumn, but the Pielou index and Simpson index was lower than that in autumn. Based on abundance-biomass comparison (ABC) curve analysis, the status of mesopelagic species community in the central South China Sea was evaluated. The result indicates that mesopelagic species community in autumn has been seriously disturbed and that in winter has been medium disturbed.


