
An exploratory fishing survey of light falling-net fisheries in the central and southern South China Sea in autumn

  • 摘要: 文章根据2012年9月~10月灯光罩网探捕调查的数据,分析了秋季南海中南部海域罩网的渔场分布和主要渔获组成。根据相对重要性指数(IRI),鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)和鲣(Katsuwonus pelamis)是优势种渔获,鲔(Euthynnus affinis)、扁舵鲣(Auxis thazard)和圆舵鲣(A.rochei)是重要种渔获,细鳞圆鲹(Decapterus macarellus)和长体圆鲹(D.macrosoma)等是常见种渔获。鸢乌贼、金枪鱼类和圆鲹属是居前3位的渔获类群,分别占总渔获量的48.35%、48.33%和0.98%,其中小型金枪鱼类占比47.77%;渔获率区域差异明显,西中沙海域411.47 kg · h-1,南沙海域25.66 kg · h-1,中心渔场位于12°30′N~15°30′N、110°30′E~115°00′E海域。结果表明,秋季依然是南海外海深水区灯光罩网主要的作业渔汛期,除了鸢乌贼和大型金枪鱼类以外,还需要加强外海小型金枪鱼类和圆鲹属鱼类的调查研究。


    Abstract: Based on the survey data from September to October in 2012, we analyzed the fishing ground and catch composition of large-scale light falling-net fishery in the central and southern South China Sea in autumn. According to the index of relative importance (IRI), Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and Katsuwonus pelamis were the dominant species; Euthynnus affinis, Auxis thazard and A.rochei were the major species; Decapterus macarellus and D.macrosoma and so on were the common species. Generally, S.oualaniensis, tuna species and round scad were the main species which accounted for 48.35%, 48.33% and 0.98% of the total catches, respectively, and small tunas occupied 47.77% of the total. The catch rate varied significantly among different fishing grounds, which was 411.47 kg · h-1 in Xisha and Zhongsha waters but only 25.66 kg · h-1 in Nansha waters. The central fishing ground was located in waters of 12°30′N~15°30′N, 110°30′E~115°00′E. The results indicate that autumn is a very good fishing season for light falling-net in offshore waters. Besides, S.oualaniensis and larger tuna species, small tuna species and round scad should be further studied.


