
Combining ability for resistance of Litopenaeus vannamei to ammonia nitrogen and dissolved oxygen

  • 摘要: 该研究利用3个凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)引进群体,采用完全双列杂交交配设计,建立9个自繁和杂交组合F1代,比较幼虾对高氨氮和低溶解氧的耐受性,分析各交配组合杂种优势,采用线性模型均数加权二乘分析法估算凡纳滨对虾高氨氮和低溶氧抗逆性状的配合力,评估亲本及子代的耐受性能。结果表明,9个群体对氨氮(NH3-N)和溶解氧(DO)胁迫的耐受性均存在显著差异,杂交子代耐高氨氮和耐低溶氧性状的中亲优势和超亲优势范围分别为14.09~42.57和1.860~26.18、-52.48~31.39和-54.34~24.66;杂交后代耐受性的表现受到父本、母本一般配合力以及杂交组合特殊配合力共同影响,美国夏威夷SIS群体(UH)耐高氨氮和低溶氧性状的一般配合力较高,分别为0.144 2和0.089 9;特殊配合力分析表明,美国迈阿密SIS群体(UM)和美国夏威夷SIS群体的杂交组合(UM×UH)为强优势组合,存在较强的抗逆非加性效应,杂交优势明显,可为进一步家系选育提供候选材料。


    Abstract: Three introduced populations of Litopenaeus vannamei were used to establish nine inbred and hybridized populations of F1 by complete diallel cross, whose hypoxic tolerance and ammonia-N tolerance were compared. The performance for tolerance of each population was evaluated by analyzing combining ability and heterosis of hypoxic tolerance and ammonia-N tolerance. The results reveal that nine groups showed significant difference in tolerance to dissolved oxygen and ammonia nitrogen. Mid-parent heterosis of hybrids for resistance to high ammonia nitrogen and low dissolved oxygen traits were 14.09~42.57 and -52.48~31.39, respectively, while those of heterobeltiosis were 1.860~26.18 and -54.34~24.66, respectively. The general combining ability of parents and special combining ability of hybrid combinations influenced the tolerance performance of phybrid offspring, especially that UH group had higher general combining ability in tolerance traits of high ammonia nitrogen and low dissolved oxygen. The specific combining ability analysis reveals that UM×UH, which had stronger non-additive effect and hybrid superiority, was strong heterosis combination and could be used as candidate materials for further family selection.


