
Acute toxicity tests of three antiparasitic drugs to juvenile snail of Babylonia areolata

  • 摘要: 采用半静水试验法,研究了敌百虫、氯氰菊酯和阿维菌素等3种抗寄生虫药物对方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)稚螺的急性毒性。结果表明,敌百虫、氯氰菊酯和阿维菌素对方斑东风螺稚螺24 h半致死质量浓度(LC50)分别为210.54 mgL-1、32.52 mgL-1 和8.13 mgL-1;48h LC50分别为93.52 mgL-1、16.90 mgL-1 和3.96 mgL-1;毒性大小依次为敌百虫氯氰菊酯阿维菌素,安全质量浓度(SC)分别为5.54 mgL-1、1.37 mg?L-1和0.28 mgL-1。在上述安全质量浓度范围内,这些药物均可杀灭桡足类或其他寄生虫,但考虑药物残留和对水环境的污染,在生产中尽量采用生态防治办法,避免使用药物。


    Abstract: The acute toxicities of trichlorfon, cypermethrin and avermectins to juvenile snail of Babylonia areolata were studied with method of semistatic water. The results show that the 24 h LC50s of trichlorfon, cypermethrin and avermectins were 210.54 mgL-1, 32.52 mgL-1 and 8.13 mgL-1, respectively, while 48 h LC50s were 93.52 mgL-1, 16.90 mgL-1 and 3.96 mgL-1, respectively. The order of lethality was trichlorfoncypermethrinavermectins, and their safe concentrations (SC) to juvenile snail of B.areolata were 5.54 mgL-1, 1.37 mgL-1 and 0.28 mgL-1, respectively. It is concluded that they all can be used in the culture of B.areolata, but considering environmental impact and drug residues, they should not be abused in practical application.


