
Analysis of length-weight relationship for major fishing species from Bohai Bay

  • 摘要: 对2008年~2009年渤海湾渔业资源调查的22种主要渔获体长(叉长、头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、胴体长)和体质量数据进行统计,并对各生物种类体长与体质量关系进行幂函数回归。结果显示,22种主要渔获包括分属4目、7科的9种鱼类,8种虾蟹类隶属十足目下的6个科,4种软体类属于2个目、2个科,以及1种虾蛄;22个种类体长与体质量关系回归的指数b介于1.271~3.316,主要集中在2.979附近,其中10种是等速生长,另10种是负异速生长,还有2种是正异速生长;除4种虾外,其余种类的体长与体质量回归式的相关系数R2均超过0.81,幂函数对体长与体质量数据的拟合效果较好。


    Abstract: We described the relationship between length (fork length, carapace length, carapace width and carcass length) and weight for 22 species of fishing resources caught during 2008~2009 in Bohai Bay and conducted a regression analysis of power function. A total of 4 478 individuals belong to 8 orders and 16 families. The value of the exponent b in the length-weight relationship ranged from 1.271 to 3.316 and was mainly about 2.979. The t-test indicates that 10 species were of isometric growth pattern, 10 species were in negative algometry and 2 species were in positive algometry. The R2 of length-weight of all species except 4 species were larger than 0.81. The present length-weight key for 22 species of fishing resources is a valuable tool for fishery managers.


