
Effects of different ecological factors on growth and physical components of Porphyra crispata

  • 摘要: 研究了在不同温度、盐度和光照强度下皱紫菜(Porphyra crispata)生长及藻体生理成分的变化。结果表明,适合皱紫菜生长温度为17~23 ℃,最适宜温度为17~20 ℃,在此温度下藻体可以保持较快相对生长速率,温度高于23 ℃时其生长受到抑制,并出现溃烂现象,说明皱紫菜耐受低温能力要比耐高温能力强。适合皱紫菜生长的盐度范围为25~35,最适宜盐度范围为30~35,在此盐度下藻体可以保持较快相对生长速率,低于15或高于35其生长缓慢甚至受到抑制,并出现发白、腐烂现象,说明皱紫菜的耐高盐能力表现强于耐低盐。适合皱紫菜生长的光照强度为4 000~7 500 lx,光照强度过低时其光合作用降低,而过高则影响藻体的新陈代谢、生长速度及其光泽度,从而影响皱紫菜的品质。


    Abstract: We studied the effects of different temperatures, salinities and light intensities on the growth and physical components of Porphyra crispata.The results show that the suitable temperature and salinity for P.crispata growth were 17~23 ℃ and 25~35 with 17~20 ℃ and 30~35 as the optimum growth temperature and salinity, respectively.The thallus was inhibited and rotted when the temperature was above 23 ℃ or the salinity was above 35 or below 15, which indicates that the thallus has stronger resistance to lower temperature and higher salinity than to higher temperature and lower salinity.In addition, the thallus grew quickly under light intensity of 4 000~7 500 lx, so the photosynthesis of thallus reduced under low light intensity, while the metabolism, growth rate and glossiness were affected negatively under high light intensity.


