
Variation analysis of single otter trawl fish community structure outside forbidden fishing line of Zhoushan fishing ground

  • 摘要: 根据2010年2月、5月、9月和11月对舟山渔场禁渔线以外海域渔业资源底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类群落结构的季节变化进行了分析。调查中共捕获鱼类80种,隶属于13目,49科,59属,其中以鲈形目最多(30种)。Simpson多样性指数(C)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)和Pielou均匀度指数(J′)均呈现出9月以后逐渐升高、随后下降、5月基本达到最低点的趋势,而Margalef丰富度指数(D)在5月较高,表明5月鱼类种类丰富度较高。资源生物量曲线(ABC)的结果受优势种影响较大,2月质量优势度曲线位于数量优势度曲线之上;5月质量优势度曲线与数量优势度曲线相交;9月和11月数量优势度曲线位于质量优势度曲线之上。营养级-平均体质量关系曲线斜率的绝对值5月最小,9月最大,表明经过伏季休渔以后,9月鱼类平均体质量有所增加,特别是高营养级鱼类,而经过持续捕捞以后,至5月鱼类平均体质量整体降到较低水平。


    Abstract: We investigated the seasonal variation of the fish community structure outside the forbidden fishing line of Zhoushan fishing ground in base of the data collected from bottom trawl surveys in February, May, September and November, 2010. In the surveys, 80 fish species were found, belonging to 13 orders, 49 families and 59 genera, among which 30 species are Perciformes(predominated order). Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index increase after September then decrease and bottom in May; while Margalef index is relative high in May, which indicates a relative high richness of fish species in May. Abundance biomass curves (ABC) are greatly impacted by dominant species. The ABC is either above its dominance curve of abundance (in February) or the curves intersected (in May). The dominance curves of abundance are above the ABC in September and November. The value of slope of trophic level-average body weight curves reaches the minimum and maximum in May and September, respectively, which indicates that the average body weight, especially for species at high trophic level, increases in September after summer closed fishing, but decreases to a low level after continuous fishing from September to May.


