
Nekton resources in northeast Beibu Gulf

  • 摘要: 2009年至2010年对北部湾东北部海域游泳生物调查研究表明,该海域共有游泳生物300种,其中鱼类有209种(硬骨鱼类205种,软骨鱼类4种),隶属15目、70科、119属;甲壳类76种;头足类15种。底层鱼类100种,近底层鱼类72种,中上层鱼类29种,岩礁性鱼类8种,分别占鱼类总数的47.85%,34.45%,13.87%和3.83%。暖水性鱼类153种,暖温性鱼类55种,冷温性鱼类1种,分别占鱼类总数的73.20%,26.32%和0.48%。游泳生物种类数季节变化为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季;资源密度指数季节变化为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季;渔业资源密度随季节变化为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,渔业资源年平均资源密度为522.925 kg ·km-2,约相当于该海域原始渔业资源密度的1/10;生物多样性指数以夏、秋季最高。估算了北部湾东北部海域潜在渔业资源量为1.092×105t · a-1,最大可捕量为5.460×104 t · a-1。比较了北部湾渔业资源的历史变动情况,对渔业资源的进一步养护和管理提出了建议。


    Abstract: The nekton in the northeast waters of Beibu Gulf had been investigated during 2009~2010.There are 300 species of nektons in the waters, among which 209 are fish (205 species of osteichthyes, 4 species of chondrichthyes), belonging to 15 orders, 70 families and 119 genera. Seventy-six crustanceans and 15 cephalopods are identified in the area. One hundred species of benthic fishes, 72 species of epibenthic fishes, 29 species of pelagic fishes and 8 species rockfish occupy 47.85%, 34.45%, 13.87% and 3.83% of the total species of fishes, respectively; and 153 species of warm-water fish, 55 species of warm-temperature fish and 1 species of cold-temperature fish occupy 73.20%, 26.32% and 0.48% of the total species of fishes, respectively. The seasonal variation in the number of nekton species: summer > autumn > spring > winter; density index of resources: summer > autumn > spring > winter; density of fishery resources: summer > autumn > spring > winter. The average density of fishery resources per year is 522.925 kg ·km-2, equivalent to 10% of the primordial resources density.The biodiversity index is highest in summer and autumn. The potential fishery resources and maximum allowable catch are estimated as 1.092×105t and 5.460×104 t per year in the northeast waters of Beibu Gulf. Besides, we discuss the changes of fishery resources in Beibu Gulf in history and provide advices for further conservation and management of fishery resources.


