
Control effect of Chinese herbal formula on grass carp hepatobiliary syndrome

  • 摘要: 试验以患肝胆综合症的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)种苗为研究对象,选用复方中草药制剂为试验药物,设置3个质量分数分别为0.50%、0.75%和1.00%的复方中草药药饵组,1个不含该复方制剂的常规饲料组,1个青饲料组,饲喂4周;结合组织病理学方法,探讨了草鱼肝胆综合症的病理及复方中草药制剂对该病的治疗效果。结果表明,草鱼病变肝组织出现大片自溶性坏死和弥散性病变,肝细胞核偏移,发生空泡变性和水样变性;0.50%、0.75%和1.00% 3个药饵试验组与青饲料和不含药物这2个非药饵对照组中,患病草鱼的成活率分别为60.0%、80.0%、96.7%、36.7%和16.7%。试验组草鱼比对照组草鱼肝胆综合症症状有明显好转,表现为鱼的体色、体表粘液和肝脏形态、色泽、质地恢复正常;背鳍、尾鳍边缘发白以及鳃部淤血、充血现象消失,鳃部粘液明显减少。1.00%试验组草鱼肝脏肝小叶分界清楚,肝细胞之间的界限清晰可见,肝细胞的核膜与核仁容易辨认,肝细胞核位移细胞中部,肝细胞逐渐恢复正常。


    Abstract: Taking grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus)fingerling with hepatobiliary syndrome as sample and Chinese herbal formula as test drug, we designed 3 poison bait groups mixed with 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.00% concentration of Chinese herbal formula, one common feed group without Chinese herbal formula and one green feed group to feed the sick fish for 4 weeks, so as to study the control effect of Chinese herbal formula on grass carp hepatobiliary syndrome by histopathology method. The result shows that the liver-lesion tissue of the test fish has many self-soluble necroses and is destroyed dispersively; the liver nuclei moves, accompanying with vacuolar and hydropic degenerations; the survival of the 3 experimental groups and 2 control ones (green feed group and common feed group without Chinese herbal formula) is 60.0%, 80.0%, 96.7%, 36.7% and 16.7%, respectively; the hepatobiliary syndrome of the test fish has obviously ameliorated in experimental groups than in the control; the body color, body surface slime, and the shape, color and texture of liver return to normal; the dorsal fin, caudal fin and edges turn white; the blood extravasation and congestion in gill disappear; the slime on gill decreases obviously. For the experimental group with 1.00% concentration, the hepatic lobule and hepatocytes of grass carp′s liver have clear boundaries; nuclear membrane and nucleolus of hepatocytes are easily recognized; the nucleolus have moved to the middle of hepatocytes which return to normal gradually.


