
Analysis of cooking technologyand preservation characteristics of Penaeus vannmei flesh

  • 摘要: 研究了凡纳滨对虾(Penaeus vannmei)虾仁在煮制过程中煮制时间及NaCl添加量对其感官品质的影响。通过测定失重率、感官评分等指标,得到凡纳滨对虾虾仁的优化煮制工艺为虾质量规格为41/50,沸盐水煮制,NaCl添加量4%,煮制时间2 min。测定真空包装后的虾仁在常温(25℃)下保藏过程中的细菌总数。结果显示其保藏期能达到7 d。


    Abstract: The effects of cooking time and NaCl addition on the sensory quality of Penaeus vannmei flesh were analyzed. Based on the indices such asrate of weight loss and sensory score, the optimized cooking parameters of P.vannmei were obtained: the prawn size of41/50, boiling salt water added with 4% NaCl and 2-minute cooking time. Bacterial plate count of the vacuum packaged shrimp preserved at 25 ℃ was determined, and the result showed that its storage period could reach to 7 days.


