
Stress resistance of young seedlings of Sargassum horneri to a variety of temperatures, irradiances and salinities revealed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements

  • 摘要: 2008年以全人工条件下培育的铜藻Sargassum horneri幼苗为材料,利用叶绿素荧光测定仪,通过测量经过暗适应后最大叶绿素荧光量子产量变化(Fv/Fm),研究了不同温度、光照强度和盐度条件下铜藻幼苗光合作用的变化。数据表明,幼苗存活温度上限为28℃,最适生长温度为22~24℃。在消减的太阳光照射下,受胁迫的幼苗即时荧光产量(Fm′)最低降到0.4。随着光强降低,Fm′可恢复到初始值0.73;在室外太阳光直射下,胁迫幼苗的Fm′最低降到0.11,24 h恢复后为0.5,叶片有萎焉现象。结果表明,铜藻幼苗易受高温、强光胁迫,最好进行遮光培育。9~60盐度的胁迫6 h以内对幼苗的Fv/Fm影响不明显,淡水在1 h内对铜藻的Fv/Fm无影响,可以将苗帘直接浸泡在淡水中以清除对低盐敏感的附生杂藻。


    Abstract: In 2008, photosynthetic performances of young seedlings of Sargassum horneri were investigated under various temperatures, irradiances and salinities by use of chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Results showed that the highest survival temperature of young seedlings was 28℃ and the appropriate growth temperature ranged from 22 to 24℃. Under reduced solar irradiance, in situ fluorescence yields Fm′ decreased to 0.4, but recovered to 0.73 when the irradiance declined over time. Under full spectrum of solar irradiance, the Fm′of the seedlings decreased to 0.11 and recovered to 0.5 after 24 h under standard culture condition. Therefore young seedlings of this alga needed a shaded light climate for growth under greenhouse condition. Six hours treatments in 9~60 salinity of seawater and 1 h in fresh water did not affect the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yields (Fv/Fm), so epiphytic algae that were sensitive to osmotic changes could be removed by such treatments at fixed time intervals.


