
A preliminary research on artificial breeding of the Asian moon scallops Amusium pleuronectes

  • 摘要: 首次报道了长肋日月贝(Amusium pleuronectes)的诱导产卵及幼虫、稚贝培育。用阴干-流水刺激法,成功诱导亲贝产卵、排精。对胚胎和幼虫发生进行了观察。水温23.0~25.0℃,经诱导产卵的受精卵20 h可发育至D形幼虫。水温22.0~24.0℃时,D形幼虫经11 d培育到眼点幼虫期。投放附着基后,眼点幼虫在10 d内附着完毕。水温18.0~24.0℃时,稚贝经30 d培育平均壳长达(2.0±0.18)mm。此试验共培育壳长(2.93±1.15)mm稚贝49.6万粒。


    Abstract: This paper reported for the first time on the induced spawning, larvae and spat rearing of the Asian moon scallop Amusium pleuronectes. The results showed that stimuli of drying in the shadow and water flow was efficient for inducing the scallops to release sperm and eggs. Fertilized eggs developed to straight-hinged veligers (D-veligers) in 20 hours or so. At the temperature of 22.0~24.0℃, pediveligers were observed in 11 days after D-veliger stage. Spat grew to(2.0±0.18)mm in next 30 days. Four hundred and ninety six thousand spat in shell length (2.93±1.15)mm were obtained in this experiment.


