
Embryonic and larval development of sea urchin (Temnopleurus reevesii)

  • 摘要: 为开发芮氏刻肋海胆 (Temnopleurus reevesii) 的人工繁育技术,进而为热带海胆的人工繁育及应用提供科学依据,对其进行了人工催产、授精、孵化和幼体培育,观察了芮氏刻肋海胆从受精卵到稚胆的发育过程,并测量了受精卵、各期胚胎和幼体的大小。结果表明:注射0.5 mol·L−1KCl 溶液催产,可以顺利促使芮氏刻肋海胆排放精卵,受精率介于87.4%~95.7%,平均为 (91.6±2.4)%。在水温24~25 ℃,培育密度约为1只·mL−1的条件下,受精卵45 min后开始卵裂,3 h 45 min后进入桑葚胚期,6 h后进入囊胚期,12 h后达到原肠期,22 h后发育为二腕幼体,1 d 12 h后发育为四腕幼体,5 d 16 h后发育为六腕幼体,9 d后发育为八腕幼体,最终在约32 d时变态为稚胆。与其他海胆种类相比,芮氏刻肋海胆在四腕幼体阶段之前发育速度较快,之后则相对缓慢。


    Abstract: In order to develop the artificial breeding technology of Temnopleurus reevesii, and to provide useful information for its artificial breeding and application, we carried out a series of laboratory procedures including spawning induction, fertilization, incubation and larval rearing. We observed the developmental process from fertilized egg to juvenile, and measured the size of the fertilized eggs, embryos and larvae. The results indicate that T. reevesii could be successfully induced to spawn by injection of 0.5 mol·L−1 KCl solution, and the fertilization rates ranged from 87.4% to 95.7%, with an average of (91.6±2.4)%. Under the conditions including water temperatures of 24-25 ℃ and a larval rearing density of approximately 1 ind·mL−1, the cleavage commenced after 45 min, the morula stage was reached by 3 h and 45 min, the blastula stage was reached by 6 h, the gastrula stage was reached by 12 h, the two-armed larva stage was reached by 22 h, the four-armed larva stage was reached by 1 d and 12 h, the six-armed larva stage was reached by 5 d and 16 h, and the eight-armed larva stage was reached by 9 d. The larvae metamorphosis into juvenile was happened around 32 d. Compared with other sea urchin species, T. reevesii developed faster prior to the four-armed larva stage, followed by a slower pace post that stage.


