
Study on artificial propagation and embryonic development regularity of Discogobio multilineatus

  • 摘要: 多线盘鮈 (Discogobio multilineatus) 为红水河特有鱼类,分布区域狭窄,野生资源匮乏。为实现多线盘鮈苗种的规模化生产,为其人工增殖放流提供技术支撑,对人工驯养的多线盘鮈亲鱼进行强化培育和催产,通过干法授精获得受精卵,并观察其胚胎发育过程。研究显示,多线盘鮈绝对繁殖力为 (415.53±133.27) 粒、相对繁殖力为 (24.24±5.64) 粒·g−1。共进行3次人工繁殖,平均催产率为 (93.12±1.73)%、受精率为 (67.03±3.62)%、孵化率为 (61.34±2.13)%。多线盘鮈受精卵为沉性卵、无黏性,呈淡青色或浅黄色,卵膜径为 (2.11±0.04) mm,吸水膨胀后呈白色,卵膜径达 (3.37±0.09) mm。水温22~24 ℃下,经67~91 h孵化出膜,孵化积温为1 728.17 ℃·h,历经胚盘期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、神经胚期、器官形成期和孵化期共7个发育阶段、26个时期。初孵仔鱼全长为 (6.25±0.17) mm,肌节26对。研究结果为多线盘鮈的人工繁育和规模化生产奠定了理论基础。


    Abstract: Discogobio multilineatus is a species endemic to the Hongshui River, with a narrow distribution range and scarce wild resources. In order to achieve the scaled production of its larvae and provide technical support for its enhancement and release, the artificially bred D. multilineatus was intensively cultured and artificially induced to spawn. The fertilized eggs were obtained through dry fertilization, and the embryonic development process was observed. The results show that the absolute fecundity of D. multilineatus was (415.53±133.27) grains, and the relative fecundity was (18.70±4.67) grains·g−1. A total of three times of artificial breeding were conducted, with an average spawning rate of (93.12±1.73)%, fertilization rate of (67.03±3.62)%, and hatching rate of (61.34±2.13)%. The fertilized eggs of D. multilineatus were demersal, non-adhesive, in light blue or pale yellow color, with an eggshell diameter of (2.11±0.04) mm. After absorbing water and swelling, they turned white, with an egg membrane diameter of (3.37±0.09) mm. Under water temperatures of 22−24 ℃, the eggs hatched and eclosed after 67−91 h, with a total hatching and eclosion energy of 1 728.17 ℃·h. The embryonic development went through seven stages and 26 periods, including the blastula stage, cleavage stage, blastocyst stage, gastrula stage, neural plate stage, organogenesis stage, and hatching stage. The newly hatched larvae had a total length of (6.25±0.17) mm and 26 myotomes. This study provides a theoretical basis for the artificial breeding and scaled production of D. multilineatus.


