
Analysis of spatial distribution characteristics of zooplankton and its influence by environmental factors in northwest Indian Ocean

  • 摘要: 浮游动物是海洋中的次级生产者,对维持渔业资源的丰富性和海洋生态平衡至关重要。为阐明西北印度洋海域浮游动物空间分布特征,分析其种类组成和丰度,采用优势度指数确定优势种,通过RDA (Redundancy analysis model) 方法分析优势种与环境因子间的关系。结果表明,调查海域共记录浮游动物7门129属241种 (含未定种),桡足类 (108种) 占据绝对优势。种类数和平均丰度随水深的增加而逐渐降低;平均种类数、总种类数和平均丰度随经度变化不明显;平均丰度随纬度的升高而下降。优势种类群主要为桡足类、介形类和毛颚类,优势种平均丰度也呈现随水深的增加而逐渐降低的特征。深水种分布广泛,2.5°N—5.5° N各站位深水种种类数较多,0.5°N—1.5° N各站位深水种丰度较高,深水种对该区域上升流具有指示作用。影响优势种分布的主要环境因子为温度、无机氮和叶绿素-a。研究结果可为进一步探究该海域浮游动物在生态系统中的能量流动特征及环境胁迫响应机制提供基础资料。


    Abstract: Zooplanktons, which are secondary producers in oceans, are essential for maintaining the abundance of fishery resources and marine ecological balance. In order to explore the spatial distribution characteristics of zooplankton in the northwest Indian Ocean, we analyzed the species, abundance and dominant species composition. Redundancy analysis model (RDA) was used to analyze the relationship between the environmental factors and the dominant species. Results show that a total of 241 species belonged to 129 genus from seven phyla, including undefined species. The most dominant group of zooplankton was Copepoda (108 species). The total species and average abundance gradually decreased with increasing water depth. Distribution of the average number of species, total number of species and average abundance relatively balanced in terms of longitude. The average abundance decreased with increasing latitude. The dominant species groups were mainly Copepods, Ostracods and Chaetognaths, and the average abundance of dominant species gradually decreased with increasing water depth. Deepwater species were distributed in all stations basically. The number of deepwater species at stations at latitudes of 2.5° N−5.5° N were relatively richer, while the total abundance of deepwater species at stations at latitudes of 0.5° N−1.5° N were relatively higher. Deepwater species had an indicative effect on upwelling in this area. The main environmental factors affecting the distribution of dominant species were temperature, inorganic nitrogen and chlorophyll-a. The results provide basic data for the energy flow and environmental stress response mechanism of zooplankton in the ecosystem of the northwest Indian Ocean.


