基于底栖生物完整性指数 (B-IBI) 的仁怀市主要河流健康评价

Assessment of health conditions of main rivers in Renhuai City based on benthic-integrated biotic index (B-IBI)

  • 摘要: 健康稳定的河流生态系统对维持生物多样性和经济社会发展至关重要。然而,作为中国酱酒核心产区,仁怀市主要河流的健康状况评价体系却尚未构建。基于此,于2023年对仁怀市境内9条河流28个采样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物开展了周年季度调查,并在此基础上创新性地搭建了仁怀市主要河流的底栖生物完整性指数 (Benthic-integrated biotic index, B-IBI)评价体系。结果发现:共记录到大型底栖无脊椎动物分类单元175个,隶属于5门10纲22目75科,年均密度和生物量分别为1236.50个·m−2和168.07 g·m−2;9条河流的健康情况中,1条为优秀,1条为良好,3条为中等,其余4条为较差,无很差; 28个采样点中,2个为优秀,5个为良好,7个为中等,7个为较差,7个为很差。综上,所构建的B-IBI评价体系指示仁怀市主要河流的整体健康状况不佳,建议在未来采取适宜的管理及修复措施以使其恢复至健康状态。


    Abstract: Healthy and stable river ecosystem is vital to local biodiversity maintenance and socio-economic development. However, as China's core production area of Maotai-flavor Baijiu, Renhuai City has not established the health assessment system of its main rivers. Thus, we conducted an annual quarterly survey on the benthic fauna at 28 sampling sites in 9 rivers in Renhuai City in 2023, and developed a benthic-integrated biotic index (B-IBI) health evaluation system for the city's main rivers. The results show that a total of 175 taxonomic units of benthic macroinvertebrates were recorded, belonging to 5 phyla, 10 classes, 22 orders and 75 families. The annual average density and biomass were 1 236.50 ind.·m−2 and 168.07 g·m−2, respectively. Among the 9 rivers, one was in excellent condition, one in good condition, three in average condition, four in poor condition, and none in very poor condition. Among the 28 sampling sites, two were in excellent condition, five in good condition, seven in average condition, seven in poor condition, and seven in very poor condition. In general, the assessment system of B-IBI in this paper shows that Renhuai City's main rivers are in poor condition, and suitable management and restoration measures should be adopted to make them become healthy again in the future.


