
Early pigmented cell development and body color change of Platax teira

  • 摘要: 尖翅燕鱼 (Platax teira) 具有独特的色素模式,通过体视显微镜和倒置荧光显微镜对尖翅燕鱼的胚后发育过程进行连续观察,记录了不同发育阶段的形态特征、体色变化以及色素细胞类型及分布,并绘制了早期发育生长曲线。结果显示,1—24日龄尖翅燕鱼生长速度较平缓,从26日龄开始进入快速生长期,且不同胚后发育阶段鱼体体表呈现明显的颜色差异。特别是14日龄时,红色素细胞、黄色素细胞发育明显,细胞体积增大;28日龄时,稚鱼腹鳍、臀鳍、背鳍色素全覆盖,以红色素细胞为主,躯体表面黑色素与红色素细胞交织分布。21日龄时,第1条明显的黑色条带从眼部穿过;30日龄时,稚鱼腹部出现白点,鳃盖后出现第2条黑色条纹;32日龄时,第2条黑带明显,开始出现轻微应激反应,鳃盖以及下方开始出现虹彩细胞;46 日龄幼鱼在头部、躯干、尾部各有1条黑色条带,背鳍、臀鳍、腹鳍颜色变黑,发育完成,体色与成鱼相似,应激后体色变黑,黑色素细胞呈分散状交织分布,几乎掩盖黄色素和红色素细胞。研究结果为进一步研究尖翅燕鱼的体色调控机制提供了基础数据。


    Abstract: Platax teira has a particular pigmentation pattern. We used stereo microscope and inverted fluorescence microscope to continuously observe its post-embryonic development, as well as the morphology, body color changes, pigment cell types and distribution characteristics at different developmental stages, then we obtained its early developmental growth curve. The results show that the growth rate of P. teira of 1–24 days after hatching (DAH) was relatively slow, but having reached a rapid growth period since 26 DAH. In addition, the body surface of P. teira showed obvious color differences at different post-embryonic development stages. On 14 DAH, the red and yellow pigment cells developed significantly and became larger. On 28 DAH, the ventral fins, anal fins and dorsal fins were fully covered with pigments, mainly red pigments cells. The melanocytes and red pigment cells were intertwined on the body surface. On 21 DAH, the first obvious black stripe passed through the eye. On 30 DAH, white spots appeared on the abdomen, and a second black stripe appeared behind the gill cover. On 32 DAH, the second black stripe was obvious, and a slight stress reaction began to appear. Iridescent cells began to appear on the gill cover and below. On 46 DAH, a black stripe appeared on the head, trunk and tail, the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins turning black. The development of juvenile was complete and the body color was similar to that of adult fish. After the stress, the body color of juvenile turned black and the melanocytes were disperse and interwoven, almost covering up the yellow and red melanocytes. The results provide basic data for further studies on the body color regulation mechanism of P. teira.


