
Effect of blanching treatment on oyster meat quality during refrigeration and frozen storage

  • 摘要: 牡蛎肉在贮藏过程中极易发生品质劣化,烫漂可钝化酶并杀灭大部分的微生物,从而延缓原料在贮藏过程中品质劣化,但热处理在牡蛎原料贮藏中的研究较少。基于此,以贮藏在4 ℃和 −20 ℃未经烫漂的新鲜牡蛎肉 (CK) 和烫漂牡蛎肉 (Bo) 为研究对象,通过测定贮藏过程中牡蛎肉的安全、外观、质构、风味指标,全面分析CK和Bo组在4 ℃和 −20 ℃贮藏过程中的品质变化规律。结果表明:2种贮藏条件下,CK和Bo组均存在品质劣化现象,且CK组的劣化程度更明显。在4 ℃冷藏过程中,两组的气味和挥发性盐基氮 (TVB-N) 变化明显,在贮藏第4 天,CK组的TVB-N达到最高 (11.68 mg·100 g−1)。在−20 ℃冻藏过程中,两组的TVB-N均呈上升趋势,但Bo组显著低于CK组 (p<0.05)。贮藏过程中两组的乳酸含量随着贮藏时间的延长而增加,−20 ℃贮藏条件下CK组在第30 天达到最高 (2.78 mg·100 g−1)。4 ℃贮藏条件下Bo组的主要呈味氨基酸 (甘氨酸、丙氨酸、谷氨酸、天冬氨酸) 整体呈上升趋势,而CK组的变化规律不明显;−20 ℃贮藏条件下主要呈味氨基酸均呈下降趋势,Bo组的下降程度较CK组小。研究结果可为牡蛎原料加工前的品质把控提供理论基础。


    Abstract: Oyster meat is prone to quality deterioration during storage, and blanching may kill most microorganisms and inactivate enzymes, thereby delaying the quality deterioration of raw materials during storage. However, there is limited research on heat treatment in oyster raw material storage. Thus, taking the unblanched fresh oyster meat (CK) and blanched oyster meat (Bo) stored at 4 ℃ and −20 ℃ as research subjects, we comprehensively analyzed the safety, appearance, texture and flavor indexes, and quality changes of CK and Bo during storage at 4 ℃ and −20 ℃. The results show that the quality deterioration of both CK and Bo existed under the two storage conditions, and the quality deterioration degree of CK was more obvious than that of Bo during storage. During the refrigeration process at 4 ℃, the odor and TVB-N of the two groups changed significantly, and the TVB-N in the CK group reached the highest value of 11.68 mg·100 g−1 on the 4th day of storage. During the freezing at −20 ℃, the TVB-N values of both groups showed an upward trend, but the values of the Bo group were significantly lower than those of the CK group (p<0.05). The lactate content of both groups increased with the extension of storage time, and the CK group reached the highest of 2.78 mg·100 g−1 on the 30th day under −20 ℃ storage conditions. During 4 ℃ storage, the main flavor amino acids (Glycine, alanine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid) in the Bo group generally showed an upward trend, while the regularity in the CK group was not obvious. During −20 ℃ storage, the main flavor amino acids showed a decreasing trend, and the decline degree of the Bo group was smaller than that of the CK group. The results provide a theoretical basis for the quality control of oyster raw materials before processing.


