
Habitat utilization and recommendations for conservation of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin along northern Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

  • 摘要: 为了解在港珠澳大桥建成后,中华白海豚 (Sousa chinensis) 对大桥水域北侧栖息地的利用情况,及其可能穿越大桥的潜在通道。在大桥北侧沿线水域布置了A、B、C、D 4个固定被动声学监测位点,总共进行了2 947 h的声学录音。在4个监测位点发现中华白海豚声学事件的概率分别为15.31% (A)、17.30% (B)、8.97% (C)、5.85% (D),表明大桥北侧沿线水域依然是中华白海豚的重要栖息地,且其活动存在时空差异。在不同监测位点发现的中华白海豚声学事件并无明显的昼夜差异。在桥梁结构的A、B和C 3个监测位点,低潮位阶段发现中华白海豚的概率分别为1.56%、1.82%和0.78%,均高于高潮位阶段 (0.94%、1.56%和0.26%);A和B点在涨潮和落潮阶段发现中华白海豚的概率相近,但C和D点在涨潮阶段的发现概率分别为4.55%和3.64%,均高于落潮阶段 (3.12%和1.30%),表明潮汐变化对中华白海豚在桥梁结构水域的栖息地选择上有一定影响且存在空间差异。根据声学监测结果推测,A和B点之间的水域可能是中华白海豚穿越大桥的重要区域,建议加强对该区域的巡查和管理。


    Abstract: To understand the utilization of the habitat in the waters along the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge by Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) and its potential migration pathways to cross the bridge. We set four fixed passive acoustic monitoring points (A, B, C, D) along the northern waters of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and recorded a total of 2 947 hours of acoustic data in November 2020 and March 2021, respectively. The probabilities of detecting acoustic events in S. chinensis at four monitoring points are as follows: 15.31% (A), 17.30% (B), 8.97% (C), 5.85% (D), which indicates that the waters along the northern of the bridge is an important habitat for S. chinensis with spatiotemporal differences. There is no significant diurnal and nocturnal difference in the acoustic events of S. chinensis observed at different monitoring sites. The probabilities of detecting S. chinensis at low tide levels of monitoring sites A, B and C on bridge structures were 1.56%, 1.82% and 0.78%, respectively, all higher than those at high tide levels (0.94%, 1.56% and 0.26%). The probabilities of discovering S. chinensis during high tide and low tide stages at sites A and B were similar, but those during high tide stage at sites C and D were 4.55% and 3.64%, both higher than those during low tide stage (3.12% and 1.30%), indicating that tidal changes have a certain impact on the habitat selection of S. chinensis in bridge structure waters with spatial differences. The result also indicates that S. chinensis may prefer the area between sites A and B to cross the bridge than the other area. Inspection and management of its passageway should be strengthened.


