
Intestinal tissue structure, digestive enzymes, antioxidant enzymes and intestinal flora diversity between second filial generation and wild population of Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li, 1966

  • 摘要: 为探究秦岭细鳞鲑 (Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li, 1966) 亚成体在不同群体的消化系统特性,并为其规模化人工繁育和资源养护利用提供参考,运用组织学和16S rRNA高通量测序技术检测分析了秦岭细鳞鲑人工繁育子二代 Bt,体长 (15.40±0.82) cm,体质量 (51.50±11.90) g与自然生境野生群体 WBt,体长 (18.17±2.57) cm,体质量 (85.68±34.85) g 肠道组织、消化酶、抗氧化酶及肠道菌群多样性的特征。结果显示:Bt和WBt肠道组织结构一致,均有肠腺组织;其中,WBt的肌层厚度显著高于Bt (p<0.05)。两者在肠道消化酶活性上无显著性差异 (p>0.05)。在肠道超氧化物歧化酶活性上,Bt显著高于WBt (p<0.05)。Bt与WBt的肠道菌群优势菌门相似,均以变形菌门和厚壁菌门为主;而两者的优势菌属差异较大,Bt的优势菌属为产气单胞菌属 (Aeromonas)、狭义梭菌属_18 (Clostridium_sensu_stricto_18) 和鞘氨醇单胞菌属 (Novosphingobium),而WBt的优势菌属为耶尔森氏菌属 (Yersinia) 和ZOR0006。BugBase表型预测结果显示,Bt中革兰氏阴性菌、好氧菌、移动元件菌、潜在致病菌和兼性厌氧菌的丰度更高,而革兰氏阳性菌、厌氧菌的丰度较低。研究表明,秦岭细鳞鲑野生群体在肠道发育、消化吸收能力、抗氧化应激能力及微生物多样性方面均优于子二代群体,而子二代的肠道菌群引发致病性的风险较低。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the digestive system characteristics of subadults of Brachymystax tsinlingensis (Li, 1966) in different populations, and to provide a reference for its large-scale artificial breeding, resource conservation and utilization, we analyzed the characteristics of intestinal tissue, digestive enzymes, antioxidant enzymes and diversity of intestinal microbiota of the second filial generation of artificially bred B. tsinlingensis Li, 1966 Bt, body length (15.40±0.82) cm, body mass (51.50±11.90) g and the wild population in natural habitats WBt, body length (18.17±2.57) cm, body mass (85.68±34.85) g by histological method and 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing techniques. The results show that the intestinal tissues of Bt and WBt had the same structure, both having intestinal glandular tissues. The thickness of the muscularis propria of WBt was significantly higher than that of Bt (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in the activity of intestinal digestive enzymes (p>0.05), and the activity of intestinal superoxide dismutase was significantly higher in Bt than in WBt (p<0.05). The dominant phyla of the intestinal flora of Bt and WBt were similar, and both of them were dominated by the phyla of Ascomycetes and thick-walled phyla. However, the dominant genera of the bacteria differed greatly. The dominant genera of the bacteria in Bt were the genera of Aeromonas, Clostridium narrowly_18 (Clostridium_sensu_stricto_18) and Novosphingobium, while the dominant genera in WBt were Yersinia and ZOR0006. BugBase phenotypic predictions showed higher abundance of gram-negative bacteria, aerobes, mobile elements, potential pathogens and parthenogenetic anaerobes in Bt, but the opposite for gram-positive and anaerobes. The results show that the intestinal development, digestive and absorptive capacity, resistance to oxidative stress, and microbial diversity of the wild population of B. tsinlingensis Li, 1966 were higher than those of the second filial generation, but the intestinal flora-induced pathogenicity for the second generation was relatively low.


