
Observation of embryo and morphological development of larval, juvenile and young speckled snowmark clownfish (Amphiprion sp.)

  • 摘要: 为建立喷点雪印小丑鱼 (Amphiprion sp.) 人工繁育技术,在人工模拟自然条件下对其繁殖习性、胚胎发育及胚后发育进行观察。结果表明:喷点雪印小丑鱼受精卵长径为1.9~2.1 mm,短径为0.93~0.95 mm;胚胎发育主要经历受精卵期→胚盘期→卵裂期→囊胚期→原肠胚期→神经胚期→器官形成期→孵化期等;在水温为 (27±0.5) ℃时,受精卵约需197 h孵化出膜。初孵仔鱼全长 (4.415±0.412) mm,身体透明,鳍膜明显,卵黄囊仅剩小部分残留,并已开口摄食。9日龄全长 (6.813±0.835) mm,鳍膜消失,各鳍基本形成,头部开始出现纹带,进入稚鱼期。21日龄全长 (10.581±2.659) mm,身体被鳞,体色、纹路开始分化。35日龄全长 (15.512±4.927) mm,形成4种不同体色、纹路的幼鱼。作为人工选育的品系,喷点雪印小丑鱼胚后发育过程中最为明显的变化是幼鱼期体色、纹路等形态特征的形成与分化。


    Abstract: In order to improve the artificial breeding technology of the speckled snowmark clownfish (Amphiprion sp.), we observed the breeding habits, embryonic development and post-embryonic development under artificial simulated natural conditions. The results show that the fertilized eggs were 1.9−2.1 mm in long diameter and 0.93−0.95 mm in short diameter. The embryonic development mainly went through sperm-egg stage, embryonic disc stage, oogenesis stage, blastocyst stage, protointestinal stage, neuroembryonic stage, organ formation stage and hatching stage. At the water temperature of (27±0.5) ℃, it took approximately 197 h for the fertilized egg to hatch out of the membrane. The newly hatched larvae had a total length of (4.415±0.412) mm, a transparent body, obvious fin membranes, and only a small portion of the yolk sac remained, which had been opened for feeding. Larval stage: At 9 days after hatching DAH, body length of (6.813±0.835) mm), the fin membrane disappeared and the fins formed, and the banding on the head appeared. Juvenile stage: at 21 DAH Body length of (10.581±2.659 mm), accompanied by scale formation on the body, the differentiation of body colour and stripe banding started to appear. Young stage: 35 DAH Body length of (15.512±4.927) mm, four different strains with different body colour patterns were easily identified. In brief, as an artificially selected new variety, the most obvious feature during the post-embryonic development of speckled snowmark clownfish is formation and differentiation of body colour patterns such as stripe banding during juvenile stage.


