
Synergism between Fructus mume and antibiotics against Vibrio harveyi based on response surface methodology

  • 摘要: 为了给哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)疾病防治新手段的开发提供基础实验数据,筛选了协同抗哈维氏弧菌的乌梅(Fructus mume)水提液与抗生素复合物。首先绘制药物浓度对数对抑菌圈直径标准曲线,采用全组合法筛选与乌梅水提液具有协同抗菌活性的抗生素,然后采用中心组合设计法(CCD)结合响应面法(RSM)分析乌梅水提液与筛出抗生素复合后两两药物间的交互作用,并确定最佳复合配比。全组合法筛出的四环素、土霉素、金霉素和强力霉素分别与乌梅水提液具有协同抗菌作用,RSM分析显示将这4种药物复合后,乌梅水提液与土霉素对哈维氏弧菌存在显著协同抗菌作用;土霉素分别与金霉素和强力霉素存在交互抑制作用;乌梅水提液、土霉素、金霉素和强力霉素最佳复合配比为45∶0.12∶0.00∶0.00 (mg·mL–1)。模型预测最优复合物对哈维氏弧菌的抑菌圈直径为18.54 mm,琼脂扩散法平行3次测得该复合物的抑菌圈直径为(19.03±0.07) mm,相对误差为2.6%,表明该方法结果可靠,为考察药物间的交互作用提供了新思路。


    Abstract: To provide basic experimental data for developing protocols to prevent and cure the disease caused by Vibrio harveyi, we collected the compound of Fructus mume water extract and antibiotics, which has synergism of antibacterial activity against V. harveyi. First, we plotted the standard curves of concentration logarithms versus inhibitory zone diameters of the test drugs, and used comprehensive combination experimental design method to screen the antibiotics which had synergism effect with F. mume water extract. Then, we applied central concentration design (CCD) with response surface methodology (RSM) to investigate the interaction among F. mume water extract and antibiotics against V. harveyi and to find their optimum combination. Results show that significant synergism existed between F. mume water extract and tetracycline, oxytetracycline, aureomycin and deoxytetracycline. RSM results indicate that the synergism between F. mume water extract and oxytetracycline contributed to the most significant effect on the antibacterial activity against V. harveyi. However, antagonism effect existed between oxytetracycline and aureomycin, and between oxytetracycline and deoxytetracycline. The optimum ratio of F. mume water extract, oxytetracycline, aureomycin and deoxytetracycline was 45∶0.12∶0.00∶0.00 (mg·mL–1). For this optimum combination, the predictive inhibitory zone diameter was 18.54 mm. According to cup method, agar diffusion method with three replicates, the practical maximum inhibitory zone diameter was (19.03±0.07) mm, and the relative error between predictive values and actual values was 2.6%. Thus, RSM is a reliable approach to describe the relationship among test drugs and inhibitory zone diameter.


